openapi: 3.0.0 servers: - url: '' info: title: Lysator Medreg description: . contact: email: version: 0.1.0 security: - OpenId: [] paths: /api/Admin/MemberByNumber/{id}: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/id' get: tags: [Admin] operationId: memberByNumber summary: >- Get member by arbitrary membership number responses: '200': description: The member in question content: 'application/json': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MemberEntry' '404': description: No member with that number exists /api/admin/MembersByLoginOrName/{name}: parameters: - name: name schema: type: string description: >- Either a persons regular name, or their Lysator login. Can be a partail match. required: true in: path get: tags: [Admin] operationId: membersByLoginOrName summary: >- Find all members which name matching the query responses: '200': description: A list of matches, may be empty content: 'application/json': schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MemberEntry' /api/admin/MemberByPnr: post: tags: [Admin] operationId: memberByPnr summary: >- Fetch a user by swedish personal identification number. Number in POST body probably to not leak the numbers. TODO fråga busk requestBody: content: 'application/json': schema: type: object required: [pnr] properties: pnr: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PersonalIdNumber' responses: '200': description: The member with that personal identification number content: 'application/json': schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MemberEntry' '404': description: No member with that personal id number exists. /api/admin/RegisterPayment: post: tags: [Admin] operationId: registerPayment summary: >- Register a payment from a member. requestBody: content: 'application/json': schema: type: object required: - Number - Years properties: Number: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserId' Years: type: integer description: >- How many years should be added to the users membership. responses: '200': description: >- Payment registered successfully. content: 'application/json': schema: type: object required: [expdate] properties: expdate: type: string format: date description: >- New end date for the persons membership '404': description: >- No member with that id exists. /api/admin/UpdateStatus/{id}: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/id' post: tags: [Admin] operationId: updateStatus summary: >- Update the current status of a membership requestBody: content: 'application/json': schema: type: object required: [Status] properties: Status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MembershipStatus' responses: '204': description: Successfully updated # TODO test this status. The server throws an # ArgumentException, which might result in a 500-series code. '400': description: An invalid status was given '404': description: No user with that id /api/admin/DeleteMember/{id}: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/id' delete: tags: [Admin] operationId: deleteMember summary: >- Delete the given member responses: '204': description: Member successfully deleted '400': description: >- Either the member doesn't exist, alternatively, it isn't marked passive. TODO shouldn't this be split into 404 and 412? /api/admin/UpdateLogin/{id}: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/id' post: tags: [Admin] operationId: updateLogin summary: >- Change the login name for a user. requestBody: content: 'application/json': schema: type: object required: [NewLogin] properties: NewLogin: type: string responses: # Probably. The server returns `ActionResult(member)` # TODO # '200': {} '400': # This maybe doesn't return correctly. Server throws # ArgumentException description: >- Either the login is empty, no member with that id exists, or another member with that name already exists. TODO thish ought to be split into 400, 404, and 409/412. # TODO check this more. # Seems like it takes a dictionary, containing fields to change # And possibly always the key "changetext" /api/admin/Update/{id}: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/id' post: tags: [Admin] operationId: update summary: >- Updates some form of something requestBody: content: 'application/json': schema: type: object /api/admin/history/{id}: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/id' get: tags: [Admin] operationId: getHistory summary: >- Get history of changes for a given user. responses: '200': description: The users history content: 'application/json': schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/HistoryEntry' /api/misc/authtest: get: tags: [misc] operationId: authtest summary: >- Check if successfully authorized. responses: '200': description: You are authorized content: 'text/plain': schema: type: string example: You are logged in as hugo '401': description: You are not authenticated /api/misc/lastpayment: get: tags: [misc] operationId: lastpayment summary: >- Get the last registered payment in the system responses: '200': description: . content: 'text/plain': schema: type: string # TODO # /api/maillist/memberlist: # tags: [maillist] # TODO # /api/self/info: # get: # tags: [self] # operationId: selfInfo # summary: Return user visible information about the self. components: securitySchemes: # bearerAuth: # type: http # scheme: bearer OpenId: type: openIdConnect openIdConnectUrl: # authorization: Bearer ${token} parameters: id: name: id in: path required: true description: >- User to operate on schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserId' schemas: PersonalIdNumber: type: string pattern: '\d{10}-\d{4}' description: >- Swedish identification number. example: 19890201-3286 EmptyString: type: string pattern: '^$' description: >- Most fields are always present in responses, but default to an empty string if the value isn't available. example: '' LiuId: type: string pattern: '^\w{4,5}\d{2,3}$' description: >- LiU-id. TODO what is actually the format of LiU-id:n? example: jambo007 UserId: type: integer format: int32 description: >- Arbitrary Lysator membership number MembershipStatus: type: string enum: - active - passive - expelled description: >- Current status of the user. HistoryEntry: type: object required: - hdatetime - hlogin - hnumber - hprg - hsecret - htext - id properties: hdatetime: type: string format: date-time description: >- Time of the entry. NOTE Even though the Open-API spec requires a timezone (e.g. 'Z') its not present here. Europe/Stockholm should be assumed. hlogin: type: string description: >- Name of the account which caused this entry. The system itself registers as 'medreg', otherwise a Lysator account name will be present. hnumber: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserId' # - description: Member which this entry is about hprg: type: string description: >- The client program which was used to generate this entry. hsecret: type: integer description: >- ???, but seems to always be 0. htext: type: string description: >- Plain text description of what the change entailed. id: type: integer description: >- (Probably) database key. MemberEntry: type: object required: - address - admin - admitted - birth - checkedpnr - email - expdate - haveAhcard - integrastatus - liuid - login - lysatorCardNumber - name - number - password - phone - pnr - remark - reminded - status - token - tokenexp - type properties: address: type: string description: >- Street address for the user. Probably multiple lines. Sepparated by \r\n example: |- Gatuvägen 100 123 45 Linköping admin: type: string enum: - admin - normal description: | TODO what is this? admitted: type: string format: date description: When the person first became a member. birth: type: string format: date description: Birthdate for the member. checkedpnr: type: string enum: ['yes'] description: >- Has the members Swedish personal identification number been checked agains a photo id card? TODO what are valid values? email: type: string format: email description: Primary email for the user expdate: type: string format: date description: Date when the persons membership expires haveAhcard: type: string enum: ['yes'] description: >- Does this person possess an "Akademiska Hus" card? TODO valid values? integrastatus: type: string enum: - investigating - active description: >- Status for their AH card. Used when peoples permissons aren't as expected. TODO valid values? liuid: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/LiuId' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/EmptyString' login: type: string description: Primary Lysator username. lysatorCardNumber: type: string description: ??? name: type: string description: Real-World name of the user. number: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserId' password: type: string format: password description: ??? phone: type: string description: Primary phone number of the user pnr: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/PersonalIdNumber' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/EmptyString' remark: type: string description: Free text field for extra notes. reminded: type: string format: date description: >- Date when they last received an email reminder about paying their membership fees. status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/MembershipStatus' token: type: string description: ??? tokenexp: type: integer description: ??? type: type: string enum: - normal - inspector # - hedesmedlem description: Type of membership