In the surreal tradition of Tass Times In Tonetown...
Failing physics--again--would be traumatic enough. But now,
you're trapped inside a Particle Accelerator and Reality
Translation Integrator, the product of mad genius meeting
mixed metaphors. Originally designed to help the human mind
understand particle physics, the sub-atomic world inside is a
strange blend of mysticism and science, of Zen contemplation
and Marx Brothers movies. Dr. Gregory Dumont has sucked you
into his P.A.R.T.I., but it's no picnic in there.
Cascade Mountain Publishing is proud to announce the release
of Dr. Dumont's Wild P.A.R.T.I., their latest full-length
interactive fiction adventure. CMP broke onto the scene last
year with the long-awaited release of Once and Future, the
epic adventure tale that re-established top-quality
interactive fiction in the gaming marketplace.
This special release of P.A.R.T.I. revives Dr. Dumont and his
bizarre particle accelerator from a decade-long slumber. The
new version includes an expanded P.A.R.T.I. world, a built-in
hint system, and all of the important contents of Dr.
Dumont's desk and cork board!
The new version of P.A.R.T.I. is available for the first time
in the popular cross-platform Inform format, making it
compatible for systems ranging from palmtops to workstations
(and, of course, PCs and Macs for the more conventional
Explore the wonders of the Science Art Museum (open 24 hours)
on your PalmPilot! Visit the UnFair in Linux! Thrill to the
Kite Races on your Psion 5! The mysteries of Particle X are
in there somewhere, and without your wits and a Diploma of
Thought, jealously guarded by the mysterious Professor Parti,
it's going to be a long day.
Although Dr. Dumont's input was invaluable, P.A.R.T.I. is the
brainchild of the First Couple of interactive fiction, Muffy
McClung Berlyn and Michael Berlyn. The Berlyns are behind a
number of breakthrough games, including Suspended,
Cutthroats, Tass Times In Tonetown, Infidel, and Oo-Topos.
"We're excited about introducing Dr. Dumont to a whole new
class of undergrads," says Michael Berlyn, co-author and
publisher. "We're dedicated to changing the way people think
about text adventures, and I can't think of a better way to
change one's perspective than to step inside Dr. Dumont's
Wild P.A.R.T.I."
This special release of Dr. Dumont's Wild P.A.R.T.I. is an
electronic-only product. For $24.00, you can download the
game package from Cascade Mountain's eCommerce server,
including an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file containing important
documentation and "props" from Dr. Dumont's office.
For more information, see