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Humbug Software/Graham Cluley

Humorous oddball adventure games in the style of the Infocom classics. Graham Cluley can be contacted at hamrag@cix.co.uk. He currently works for Sophos Anti-Virus. These games have been very successful as shareware with over 2000 registrations (April 1994).

From: hamrag@cix.compulink.co.uk (Graham Cluley)
Date: Wed, 28 May 97 20:49 BST-1

I'm in your interactive fiction list, and I have a slight update on my entry. I have now made my adventure games (Humbug and Jacaranda Jim) public domain and anyone can download the full versions (including online hints!) for free from http://www.grahamcluley.com


Humbug Software/Graham Cluley has a homepage at http://members.aol.com/gcluley/.

Jacaranda Jim (v5.00)

Text only Written 1987-1993 by Graham Cluley.
Runs on:
Notes: Public domain (previously shareware (£6)). Hints and other goodies for registered users are now available electronically.

Comments: Many players of Jacaranda Jim ask me what the point of the game is. Do you have to discover the secret of the Wild Women's teapot, uncover a vast treasure hoard or simply get a nice haircut for less than two bob? Well, just as in life the final objective of Jacaranda Jim is a mystery. However, it just might be a good idea to escape from Ibberspleen IV, and continue your journey back home to Earth.

Humbug (v5.0)

Text only Written 1990-1993 by Graham Cluley.
Runs on:
Notes: Public domain (previously shareware (£9)). Hints and other goodies for registered users are now available electronically.

Comments: You, Sidney Widdershins, are sent to your Grandad's for the school holidays. Why is Jasper the dentist so desperate that Grandad should sell the manor? Why has Grandad hidden a time machine in the cellar? Why does the octopus insist on performing the ancient ritual of Wubble-A-Gloop with you? What doesn't Kevin the clockwork shark like about your haircut? What would YOU do with a trombone, a terrapin and half a pound of lard?

Adventureland was created by Hans Persson and is now maintained by Stefan Meier.

If you find any errors or have information that is missing, please let me know